Passamaquoddy Bay & LNG Events

2006 January

Jan 19

(Snow Date = Fri, Jan 20)

Carter Conference Center,
Machias Motor Inn
US-1 / Main St.
Machias, ME

Downeast Forum
on Coastal Access

Recent, widespread shifts in coastal land ownership and uses are bringing about changes in the traditional patterns of coastal access in Maine. These changes have important impacts on water-dependant industries as well as recreational and private property users.

Goal: sharing perceived problems; finding common ground; sharing resources and tools; developing cooperative, collaborative, and mutually-beneficial solutions in Downeast Maine.

Organized by: a planning committee representing: University of Maine Sea Grant / Cooperative Extension, University of Maine at Machias, Island Institute, Sunrise County Economic Council, Maine Coastal Program, Maine Sea Coast Mission, Washington County Council of Governments, and Coastal Enterprises Inc.

For more information, please contact:

  • Natalie Springuel
    Maine Sea Grant
    288-2944 x298, ;
  • Chris Bartlett
    Maine Sea Grant / University of Maine Cooperative Extension
    853-2518 x 4212, .

For lodging and directions:
Machias Motor Inn: 255-4861


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