From: Thériault, Shelly (LEG)
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:42:58 PM
To: Thériault, Shelly (LEG)
Subject: News Release / Communiqué - Shawn Graham
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For Immediate Release
August 23, 2005
Opposition Leader Writes Foreign Affairs Minister and Ambassador to the United States Concerning Proposed LNG Terminals in Passamaquody Bay, Maine
Fredericton Opposition Leader Shawn Graham (Lib Kent) is concerned about the well-being of marine wildlife, the fishing industry and the tourist economy in the vicinity of St. Andrews, New Brunswick in the event of the construction of liquefied natural gas terminals in Maines Passamaquody Bay across from St. Andrews. To that end, Mr. Graham has written Canadas Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew and the Canadian Ambassador to the United States Frank McKenna. Please see letters here attached.
Media Contact: Marie-Andrée Bolduc, Office of the Official Opposition, (506)453-2548
Pour diffusion immédiate
23 août 2005
Le chef de lopposition écrit au ministre des Affaires étrangères et à lAmbassadeur du Canada aux Etats-Unis concernant le projet de terminal de GNL proposé au Maine
Fredericton Le chef de lopposition officielle, Shawn Graham (Lib-Kent) est concerné pour le bien-être de la vie marine, de lindustrie de pêche et léconomie touristique dans la région de St. Andrews au Nouveau-Brunswick dans léventualité de la construction dun terminal de gaz naturel liquifié dans la Baie de Passamaquody au Maine de lautre côté de St. Andrews. Monsieur Graham a écrit des lettres au ministre des Affaires étrangères du Canada, Pierre Pettigrew, ainsi quà lAmbassadeur du Canada aux Etats-Unis, Frank McKenna. Veuillez consulter les lettres ci-jointes.
Renseignements : Marie-Andrée Bolduc, Bureau de lopposition officielle, (506) 453-2548.
Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick Assemblée législative du Nouveau-Brunswick
Office of the Official Opposition Bureau de lopposition officielle
PO Box 6000 C.P. 6000
Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 E3B 5H1
Tel: (506) 453-2548 Tél: (506) 453-2548
Fax: (506) 453-3956 Télécopieur: (506) 453-3956
August 23, 2005
Hon. Pierre Pettigrew
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Lester B. Pearson Building
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2
Dear Minister Pettigrew:
I am writing to express the concerns of the New Brunswick Liberal Caucus with regard to the proposed LNG Terminals by Quoddy Bay LLC of Oklahoma and Downeast LNG of Washington, D.C. that would be located in Passamoquoddy Bay, Maine. Many residents of New Brunswick, especially those resident in Charlotte County and the Fundy Isles, are concerned that, if this project proceeds, the terminals and the resulting LNG tanker traffic will have serious negative economic, environmental and social consequences in the area.
Further, I am concerned that neither project proponent has started the regulatory process required in the State of Maine and that the proponents are showing little regard for the concerns raised by their Canadian neighbours. As well, the proponents appear oblivious to the fact that any resulting LNG tanker traffic will need to navigate through Canadian waters, will endanger up to $1 billion of economic activity in the area, and could disrupt regular ferry services and other sea traffic.
In the mid-1970s, the Government of Canada refused permission for oil tankers to travel through these same waters with regard to a proposed oil refinery in the same area. Although these new projects are on a larger scale, the strong similarities between this past project and the proposed LNG terminals means that those prior concerns (and remedies) still apply.
Given this situation, I believe that it is necessary for the Government of Canada and, specifically, the Department of Foreign Affairs, to become involved in this file. Your Department should seize the opportunity to make Canadian objections to these proposed terminals clear with both project proponents. Further, your Department should inform the proponents that they do not have access to Canadian waterways for their LNG tankers.
If there is any way that I can be of assistance to you as you move forward on this file, or if there is any other way I can help, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Yours truly,
Shawn Graham, MLA for Kent
Leader of the Official Opposition
Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick
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Rick Doucet, MLA (Charlotte)
Eric Allaby, MLA (Fundy Isles)
Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick