!2006jan13_pipeline_expansion.htmlTEXTR*chr12z FERC holds pipeline expansion meetings -- The Quoddy Tides, Eastport, Maine

The Quoddy Tides

Eastport, Maine

2006 January 13

FERC holds pipeline expansion meetings

by Marie Jones Holmes

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is holding scoping meetings in Maine to gather information concerning the proposal by Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline LLC to expand its natural gas pipeline system to provide additional natural gas supplies and enhanced reliability to customers in the northeastern United States, where energy demand continues to increase. The expansion project is known as the Maritimes Phase IV Project.

Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has signed transportation agreements with Anadarko Petroleum Corporation at Bear Head LNG terminal near Point Tupper, N.S., and Repsol YPF, which will transport liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the proposed Canaport LNG terminal near Saint John, expected to be operational in 2008. It is anticipated that the terminal will be delivering 750 million cubic feet per day of regasified LNG into the market.

In Maine, Maritimes & Northeast Pipline is proposing to construct and operate various segments of pipeline loop totaling approximately 146 miles, generally located adjacent to its existing pipeline, and five new compressor stations located in Eliot, Westbrook, Searsmont, Brewer and Woodchopping Ridge. Additional compression is proposed at Maritimes and Northeast Pipline's existing compressor stations in Baileyville and Richmond.

FERC held the first of three environmental scoping sessions on Monday, January 9, in Brewer to formally identify issues to be considered in the environmental impact statement and to seek public comments on the Phase IV project. Most of the people at the Brewer meeting appeared to support the project, citing the additional jobs that would be available during the construction period. Some homeowners who had dealt with Maritimes & Northeast Pipline previously during construction projects were not as pleased with proposal. The other two meetings were held on January 10 at Liberty and January 11 at Westbrook. FERC will consider comments made at the scoping meetings when drafting the environmental impact statement for the project.

The company, which is owned by Duke Energy Corporation, Exxon-Mobil Corporation and Emera Incorporated, has pre-filed an application with FERC, and the filing of the formal application is expected later in the next few month. Multiple public hearings on the proposal will be scheduled after the company files its formal application.


© 2006 The Quoddy Tides
Eastport, Maine
Article republished on Save Passamaquoddy Bay website with permission.