The Quoddy Tides

Eastport, Maine

13 October 2006

Fred Moore joins Quoddy Bay LNG team

Fred Moore, the former Passamaquoddy tribal representative to the Maine Legislature, has agreed to join Quoddy Bay LNG, the company that is proposing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) import facility at the tribe's Pleasant Point Reservation.

Moore had an instrumental part in attracting Quoddy Bay LNG to evaluate the feasibility of siting an LNG import facility at Pleasant Point three years ago. He recently narrowly lost election as governor of the Pleasant Point Reservation by 10 votes. Moore's new role in the company will be working with Quoddy Bay Project Manager Brian Smith to complete the development of the project.

"We are excited to have Fred working again on the project he played such a large part in starting," says Don Smith, president of Quoddy Bay LNG. "Fred put extraordinary efforts into attracting this development to the reservation three years ago and will now assist us in the completion of this project."

"While we have had differences with Fred in the past, neither of us has ever doubted that LNG offers the best hope to bring economic prosperity to the Passamaquoddys. He clearly has an understanding of the intricacies of both reservations, as well as of the state government in Augusta, as a result of his public service at the Legislature," adds Smith. "His insights will help Quoddy Bay ensure the success of one of its primary goals — to bring economic opportunity to Washington County and to its Native American residents."

"The Quoddy Bay LNG facility is an extremely important project for the Pleasant Point Reservation, and I hope that I can work with both reservations to make the Quoddy Bay LNG import facility a large part of the entire Passamaquoddy Tribe," says Moore. "This project started as a polite conversation in Augusta and has blossomed into what will become an enormous part of the Washington County economy within the next couple of years."

Moore's business relationship with the Quoddy Bay LNG project had changed over the past year as Moore sought to develop an alternative project in Calais that would be partly owned by the Indian Township Reservation, the other part of the Passamaquoddy Tribe. However, the Calais project has not moved forward as quickly as Moore had hoped. Consequently, Moore decided to renew his relationship with the Quoddy Bay LNG project.


© 2006 The Quoddy Tides
Eastport, Maine
Article republished on Save Passamaquoddy Bay website with permission.