The Quoddy Tides

Eastport, Maine

2007 April 13

Perry election results are announced

On Monday, March 26, voters in the Town of Perry cast their votes at the polls to elect town officials. Results are as follows. Selectman, H. Richard Adams, 223, Austin C. Frost, 210.

Planning board, three members, Gerald Morrison, 210; Linda Newcomb, 234; Graydon Ritchie Jr., 200; Howard Calder, 176; Robert Costa, 42; Karen H. Raye, 189; Brian Theriault, 178.

School committee, two members, Eileen Curry, 229; Ivy Newcomb Turner, 232; Sarah Hood, 165; Ann F. Skriletz, 147.

Town clerk, Janice Scanlon, 417.

Tax collector, Janice Scanlon, 418.

Treasurer, Barbara Hicks, 388.

Ballot clerks were Meg Pottle, Robert Patterson, Gerry Kendall, Rita Morrison, Dot Turner, Bill Love.

Elected the following evening during the town meeting on March 27 were: Board of Appeals, Austin C. Frost; Recreation Committee, Ralph Farris, Jennifer Patterson; Equipment Committee, Graydon Ritchie Jr.; Building Committee, Austin C. Frost;

Referendum results

Three referendum questions were posed to Perry registered voters. The results are as follows.

Question 1: Passed. Shall the proposed agreement between the Town of Perry and Quoddy Bay LNG, LLC dated February 5, 2007, titled "Financial Framework Agreement," as on file with the Town Clerk be approved? Yes, 229 No, 211.

Question 2: Passed. Shall the proposed Pavement Management Plan as on file with the Town Clerk be approved? This plan would increase the pavement spending from $100,000 per year to a maximum of $160,000 per year. Yes, 257 No, 179.

Question 3: Failed. To see if the town will require selectmen to conduct all future discussions and correspondence by them regarding issues of the potential citing of any liquefied natural gas facilities in Perry, including discussions and correspondence with the town's attorneys and with representatives from Quoddy Bay LNG, only after notice to and participation with full voting rights by a special negotiating committee to be made up of the following members of the Perry community; the board of selectmen; two members of the planning board (to be selected by the planning board); one member of the school committee (to be selected by the school committee); the Perry fire chief; one fisherman to be selected by Cobscook Bay Fishermen's Association; and three members of the Perry community at large (one to be picked by each selectman). The purpose of this article is to assure community involvement in determining the town's goals with respect to possible LNG development. Yes, 205 No, 236.


© 2007 The Quoddy Tides
Eastport, Maine
Article republished on Save Passamaquoddy Bay website with permission.