The Quoddy Tides

Eastport, Maine

2007 March 9

BEP accepts 13 intervenors on Downeast LNG application

by Edward French

The Maine Board of Environmental Protection, at its March 1 meeting, accepted the 13 parties who requested to be intervenors in the application for permits by Downeast LNG for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Robbinston, according to the board's administrative assistant, Terry Hanson. Intervenors are allowed to testify, offer evidence and cross-examine witnesses during the board's public hearing on the application.

The groups are Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission; a group of four fishermen's associations from southwest New Brunswick (Fundy North Fishermen's Association, Fundy Weir Fishermen's Association, Grand Manan Fishermen's Association and Campobello Fishermen's Association); Quoddy Bay LNG; North East Energy Development Company; Harris Point Shore Cabins and Motel of Eastport; Town of Robbinston; Robbinston Residents in Support of Downeast LNG, submitted by Michael Footer; Professional Mariners and Waterway Users of Passamaquoddy Bay, submitted by Capt. Gerald Morrison of Perry; Eastport Port Authority; City of Eastport; We Take Care of Our Land and eight individuals (Hugh Akagi, Vera Francis, Mary Bassett, Rita Fraser, Deanna Francis, Hilda Lewis, Reginald Stanley and David Bridges); Save Passamaquoddy Bay and eight individuals (Linda Godfrey, Robert Godfrey, Margaret McGarvey, Nancy Asante, Gary Guisinger, Lea Sullivan, Suzanne Crawford and Paul Crawford); and Bear Creek Investments.

Two of the intervenors are pursuing their own LNG projects in the area. Quoddy Bay LNG has filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for an LNG terminal at Split Rock, Pleasant Point, and North East Energy Development Company is proposing one on the St. Croix River in Calais. Another intervenor, Bear Creek Investments, is an affiliate of Quoddy Bay's parent company, Smith Cogeneration, and has optioned land south of Downeast LNG's proposed site in Robbinston. Although Quoddy Bay had once proposed a pipeline to Robbinston, that plan is no longer being considered.

Dean Girdis, president of Downeast LNG, says the company had expected that there might have been a few more requests for intervenor status.

In January, the Board of Environmental Protection had assumed jurisdiction of the Downeast LNG application because the project is of "substantial public interest" and has "the potential to affect a broad geographic area."

A pre-hearing conference for the applicant and intervenors will be held on Tuesday, March 27. The hearing will be held at a location in Washington County later this year, but a date has not been set.

Quoddy Bay LNG hopes to file for state permits in April, according to Quoddy Bay LNG Project Manager Brian Smith, and he expects that the BEP will assume jurisdiction of its application also.


© 2007 The Quoddy Tides
Eastport, Maine
Article republished on Save Passamaquoddy Bay website with permission.