The Saint Croix Courier

St. Stephen, NB

2007 February 27

Premier calls on FERC to halt LNG applications

WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNB) New Brunswick has submitted a motion to suspend proceedings of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) review of the applications to build two [liquefied] natural gas (LNG) facilities in Maine, at Quoddy Bay and Downeast. Premier Shawn Graham made the announcement today.

"Following the Government of Canada's decision to deny LNG vessels permission to transit through Head Harbour Passage — a position we fully support — New Brunswick, as an intervener in the FERC process, has requested a suspension to further consideration of the applications in these proceedings," Graham said.

The decision on LNG vessels transiting Head Harbour Passage is the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal government, and is outside the FERC process, which New Brunswick respects.

However, as a result of this vessel ban, the two LNG terminals under review could not receive LNG vessels, which would make them not viable.

The motion submitted by the province references a similar case in Long Beach, Cal., in which a terminal developer was requested to show cause why the FERC should continue to review a terminal application when a factor "essential for the project to go forward" was declined.

New Brunswick formally sought and was granted intervener status in the FERC process in Maine.

As an intervener, the province can ensure that safety and security concerns — and the environmental and economic impacts of such terminals on Passamaquody Bay — are taken into account and forcefully defended.


© 2007 Advocate Media
Article republished on Save Passamaquoddy Bay website with permission.

The Saint Croix Courier, St. Stephen, NB