2005 May 9
Representatives of Save Passamaquoddy Bay, a 3-Nation Alliance to keep LNG from Passamaquoddy Bay, announced today that they have sent a message to Kathleen Leyden, Coordinator of Maine's Bay Management Study, asking that she communicate to the members of the study committee and their sponsoring agency, Maine's Land and Water Resources Council, that a moratorium be put in affect on on any heavy industrial development in Maine's marine waters at least until 2007, and that the scope of the Bay Management Study be expanded to specifically include LNG.
In regard to the law enacted by the 121st Maine Legislature Public Law 2003 c. 660, Part 2 (LD 1857) which requires the Land and Water Resource Council (LWRC) to undertake a two-year study "to explore and document potential new and innovative concepts for the management of Maine's embayments," a law which took effect on July 30, 2004, Save Passamaquoddy Bay's request reads:
"Save Passamaquoddy Bay, a 3-Nation Alliance to keep LNG from Passamaquoddy Bay, requests that Maine's Land and Water Resource Council act in whatever manner, format, and process is necessary to declare a moratorium on the introduction of any industrial project into any of Maine's waters. This moratorium is to be in effect until the work of the Bay Management Study is complete, their report been filed with the legislature in January, 2007, and the report has resulted in decisions by the appropriate Maine state departments, entities, or offices as to the outcome of the study and any determinations made about future uses and management of Maine's waters.
"Further, Save Passamaqouddy Bay requests as part of the Bay Management Study that the group expand the scope of their study to specifically determine the possible effects of LNG facilities, and all of its attendant industrial companion operations, such as co-generation facilities, desalinization operations, steam plants, peak shaving operations, storage options, and water usage plans, on Maine's waters, the managment of such waters, and all water-dwelling species, be they plant or animal."
"This is the type of study that the state needed before communities along the coast were threatened with heavy industrial sites, before our state headed toward becoming a heavy-industry stronghold, before fisheries, ecosystems, shorelines, eco-tourism, real estate, and our way of life as a prime coastal state was jeopardized," said Linda Godfrey, Save Passamaquoddy Bay coordinator. "Everyone in the state of Maine who is concerned with our state's waterways, coasts, and natural environment needs to support the work of this Bay Management Study group. Until their work is complete, the Governor, Cabinet officials, and state departments should not be making decisions about our waters and management issues related to Maine's waters that could adversely impact the waterways and ecosystems forever."
Godfrey concluded, "We are asking for support throughout Maine, and especially from people in communities that have been, are, or may yet be threatened by heavy-industrial developments along the coast. We are also appealing to people who live inland and love Maine's coasts and waterways. Write to the Governor, legislators, and the media. This is a way everyone in Maine can help protect our lands and waters. No matter how anyone feels about a specific project, if any of our lands, waterways and coasts are threatened, then all of our land and water in the state is potentially at risk."