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![]() "For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy" |
Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Date Posted to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.
Color Key: | Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters Project Opponents Project Neutral Unknown, non-public comments |
2012 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | |
2011 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2010 | |
2009 | | Dec | |
Feb 2 | Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: On 2010 Jan 29 CLNG filed with the State of Maine Department of Environmental Protection: (1) Site Location of Development permit; (2) Natural Resources Protection Act permit; (3) Wastewater Discharge permit; (4) Air Emissions permit; and (5) Water Quality Certification; and certifies compliance with the Maine Coastal Zone Management Program. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 11 | Filed By: City of Calais Webmaster’s Comments: The City of Calais files a week late, requesting Intervenor status, even though they had already filed for intervenor status on January 26. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon Summary: Save Passamaquoddy Bay 3-Nation Alliance moves that FERC reject the Calais LNG application. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 12 | Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Jim Porter] Summary: Mr. Porter supports Calais LNG. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: Calais LNG attempts to discredit supporting comments in SPB 3-Nation Alliance's and Win Rutledge's Motions to Intervene; however, CLNG does not challenge the actual Motions to Intervene. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: Calais LNG responds to the Province of New Brunswick's motion to dismiss CLNG from the permitting process. CLNG claims the US Coast Guard has authority over Campobello Island and Canadian waters. Webmaster’s Comments: CLNG must think claiming US jurisdiction over Canadian territory will cow Canada into submission. If it were possible to make Canada even more resolutely against CLNG than it already is, this would do it. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 16 | Filed By: Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon Summary: SPB 3-Nation Alliance rebuts Calais LNG assertions. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 18 | Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Donald T Burgess] Summary: Boiler-plate comment by a non-intervenor in favor of the project. Note: This Comments appeared on the docket Feb 18, but was actually filed on Feb 12; thus, it is listed on the FERC Docket list under Feb 12. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Mary-Jo Burgess] Summary: Boiler-plate comment by a non-intervenor in favor of the project. Note: This Comments appeared on the docket Feb 18, but was actually filed on Feb 17; thus, it is listed on the FERC Docket list under Feb 17. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES [Representative Dianne Tilton] Summary: Non-intervenor Maine Representative Tilton in favor of the project. Note: This Comments appeared on the docket Feb 18, but was actually filed on Feb 17; thus, it is listed on the FERC Docket list under Feb 17. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Mary Barnett] Summary: Boiler-plate comment by a non-intervenor in favor of the project. Note: This Comments appeared on the docket Feb 18, but was actually filed on Feb 17; thus, it is listed on the FERC Docket list under Feb 17. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 19 | Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Linsey M Hightower] Summary: Non-intervenor Ms. Hightower claims…
Webmaster’s Comments:
Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Wayne E Chick] Summary: Non-intervenor Mr. Chick says the local economy is damaging to mental health and family structure. He implies his comment might influence the Maine Board of Environmental Protection. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Joyce Maker] Summary: Non-intervenor Ms. Maker claims importing LNG in Calais would reduce reliance on heating oil and provide a safer and more sustainable economy. Webmaster’s Comments: Calais already could have access to natural gas, either from the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, or from St. Stephen, New Brunswick. That has not happened because it requires a company willing to take the risk. The assertion that importing LNG would be safer and more sustainable flies in the face of…
Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: This completes the outstanding Appendix 3-F (Biological Assessment for Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles) to Resource Report 3. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 22 | Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Neil Brisley] Summary: Non-intervenor St. Stephen resident Mr. Brisley supports the project. This is the second of only three New Brunswick residents (along with Doreen Brisley, below, and one person who spoke in favor of Downeast LNG on 2009 June 16 at a FERC Scoping Meeting) in over five years who have filed to any FERC docket in favor of any of the LNG projects in Passamaquoddy Bay. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Doreen Brisley] Summary: Non-intervenor St. Stephen resident Ms. Brisley supports the project. This is the third of only three New Brunswick residents (along with Neil Brisley, above, and one person who spoke in favor of Downeast LNG on 2009 June 16 at a FERC Scoping Meeting) in over five years who have filed to any FERC docket in favor of any of the LNG projects in Passamaquoddy Bay. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: CLNG submits their Biological Assessment for Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles, completing the outstanding Appendix 3-F to Resource Report 3. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 24 | Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Carleton Barnes] Summary: Non-intervenor Mr. Barnes supports the project. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Samuel A Saunders] Summary: Non-intervenor Mr. Saunders supports the project. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Kristi K Saunders] Summary: Non-intervenor Ms. Saunders supports the project. Information: FILE LIST |