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![]() "For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy" |
Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Date Posted to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.
Color Key: | Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters Project Opponents Project Neutral Unknown, non-public comments |
2012 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | |
2011 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2010 | |
2009 | | Dec | |
Apr 5 | Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: Non-public, Resource Report 4, pages 8 & 12; Architecture Report, March 2010. Information: FILE LIST [Non-public. Downloading will result in an error file.] Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: Revisions to Resource Report 4; Priviledged and confidential; Non-public. Information: FILE LIST [Cover letter, only. Priviledged and confidential. Non-public.] |
Apr 6 | Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: Response to FERC's 2010 March 16 Data Request. This includes:
Webmaster’s Comments: As was learned with the Downeast LNG project, the IMPLAN model of economic impact is seriously flawed: it is based on outdated assumptions, and has been criticized as being flawed by the US Forestry Service (the agency that developed IMPLAN). Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: Response to FERC's 2010 March 16 Data Request. This includes: Information: FILE LIST [Privileged; Non-public; an error message will be downloaded] |
Apr 12 | Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Richard & Katherine A. Berry] Summary: Comments state Gov. Baldacci has broken his word to remain personally uninvolved in the LNG issue. The comments also challenge the Governor to produce evidence that his position represents the opinion of all Mainers, since LNG has previously been rejected all along the Maine coast. They also describe several reasons why additional LNG infrastructure is inappropriate, and unnecessary. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Brian William Flynn] Summary: Comments indicate Governor Baldacci is attempting to use political influence to manipulate FERC's regulatory process. Also, the State of Maine has neglected to study the negative health and medical impacts, and related costs, that any LNG import terminal would have on the Passamaquoddy Bay region. The comments also point to Gov. Baldacci's misleading and distorted statements to FERC. Information: FILE LIST |
Apr 13 | Filed By: MAINE STATE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL Summary: The organization representative cites jobs as reason for supporting Calais LNG, and claims importing LNG would somehow bring renewable energy to Maine. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Harry Shain] Summary: Mr. Shain claims, "I believe they have a good plan that will not impact the importance of our lobster season." Webmaster’s Comments: Calais LNG paid Mr. Shain to fish lobster for their lobster study. During the 2007 Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) hearing on the proposed Downeast LNG terminal (from which Downeast LNG withdrew prior to the BEP making its permitting decision), Mr. Shain testified against Downeast LNG. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Mark McGuire] Summary: Mr. McGuire states, "Quite frankly, I don't see why it's so easy for the Canadians to build an LNG project, but It's hard for us to have one that could benefit our citizens." Webmaster’s Comments: Clearly, Mr. McGuire is unfamiliar with the differences between Canaport LNG and the proposed Calais LNG project. Canaport LNG is situated on open water, 5 miles away from Saint John, and does not require LNG ships transiting by thousands of Canadians and Mainers — as opposed to Calais LNG transits that would threaten civilians in numerous Maine and New Brunswick communities. Additionally, Calais LNG violates world LNG terminal siting best safe practices, while Canaport LNG does not. Canada's prohibition of LNG transits into Passamaquoddy Bay parallel the LNG industry's own advice, while Calais LNG flouts it. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [G. Cooper] Summary: Mr. Cooper indicates neutrality regarding Calais LNG, but brings up project-damning problems with the applicant's filings and with FERC's treatment of the issues. Information: FILE LIST |
Apr 14 | Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [C. Louis Bernardini] Summary: Mr. Bernardini cites jobs, taxes, and diversified energy as reason for support. He claims Canada's prohibition of LNG in Passamaquoddy Bay is "foreign government's control of our energy resources." Webmaster’s Comments: Mr. Bernardini ignores the fact that LNG projects could site outside of Passamaquoddy Bay without objection from Canada. There is no "foreign control of our energy resources" — other than the desire to use foreign-controlled LNG as an energy resource, even when the US is awash in domestic natural gas. Calais LNG, itself, has placed the project in an unwinnable situation. Information: FILE LIST |
Apr 15 | Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Information: FILE LIST [CEII; Non-public. Downloading will result in an error file.] Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Information: FILE LIST [CEII; Non-public. Downloading will result in an error file.] Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Ronald S. Rosenfeld] Summary: Mr. Rosenfeld observes that Calais LNG has inappropriately classified all of its March 29 filing (Accession No. 20100415-5036) as CEII. The Calais LNG filing was a response to FERC's questions regarding several discrepancies in Calais LNG's data filing. Furthermore, he points to FERC's own warnings against improper CEII categorization by applicants, as in this case by Calais LNG. Webmaster’s Comments: Save Passamaquoddy Bay learned on April 26 that FERC re-labeled portions of the referenced Calais LNG filing as Public — clear indication that Calais LNG violated FERC's CEII requirements. Information: FILE LIST |
Apr 19 | Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Joseph and Lea Sullivan] Summary: The Sullivans remind Governor Baldacci he has violated his promise to keep uninvolved in the LNG permitting process. They also indicate he does not represent the citizenry of Maine regarding LNG, as evidenced by all the previous LNG proposals being kicked out of the rest of the state by citizen opposition. They also tell Baldacci that North America is drowning in natural gas, including gas discoveries in southwest New Brunswick, meaning no LNG import infrastructure is necessary in Maine. Further, the US Coast Guard has already indicated it will deny entry to Passamaquoddy Bay-destined LNG carriers. They also enumerate other valid reasons why the proposed LNG project would harm the local area. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Kate Wright] Summary: Ms. Wright tells Governor Baldacci about inappropriate City of Calais support for the project, and intimidation toward project opponents at city meetings. She tells the Governor that Calais LNG is inappropriate for the area, and is dismayed with Baldaccis support for LNG projects in Passamaquoddy Bay. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: Responses to FERC's March 16, 2010 Data Requests 9-4, 9-13, and 10-3. This includes access road construction schedule, sound level monitoring data, and site alternatives with maps. Information: FILE LIST |
Apr 20 | Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Fred Hartman] Summary: Mr. Hartman refutes others' claims that most of Washington County favors Calais LNG. He enumerates numerous negative impacts and false claims. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Marged Higginson] Summary: Ms. Higginson points out that Canada has more concern regarding civilian well-being regarding LNG terminal projects than does the US Government. She points to the LNG carrier Hazard Zones that Calais LNG would place Passamaquoddy Bay residents in Harm's way. She points to Calais LNG's conflicting use of the waterway compared to existing uses, and that LNG has been rejected along the entire Maine coast, and should be rejected in Passamaquoddy Bay. Information: FILE LIST |
Apr 21 | Filed By: TOWN OF ST. ANDREWS Summary: The Town of St. Andrews Mayor tells Governor Baldacci of the numerous negative impacts LNG would have on the community. The Mayor compares St. Andrews to Maine resort communities Camden, Rockport, and Kennebunkport, and all of these communities' reliance on natural attributes of the waterway for supporting local economies. He tells Baldacci of the potential harm to citizens the Calais LNG project would bring, and the lack of area emergency response capability. He points out that Maine advocating subjecting civilians to such hazards is unneighborly. Information: FILE LIST |
Apr 27 | Issued By: ENERGY PROJECTS, OFFICE OF Summary: Technical data request. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Raymond and Edith Bishop] Summary: Non-intervenors from St. Andrews submit a poem in opposing Calais LNG. Information: FILE LIST |
Apr 28 | Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [John Littleford] Summary: This US citizen opposes both Calais LNG and Downeast LNG, citing economic, environmental, and safety reasons. He also cites the lack of need for LNG-source natural gas, due to the 200-year US domestic natural gas abundance. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Robert D. Austin] Summary: This US citizen opposes Calais LNG for reasons including US arrogance towards Canada, and similarities between this project and the Goldman Sachs involvement in profit over public good. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Mary Kane] Summary: This New Brunswick citizen living on the St. Croix River would be at risk from LNG carrier Hazard Zones. She cites environmental, safety, and financial reasons for opposing Calais LNG. She indicates Goldman Sachs is backing a needless project, and refers to the Government of Canada's prohibition of LNG ships entering Passamaquoddy Bay. Information: FILE LIST |