Passed on 4 October 2004
QUESTION OF: The proposed liquid natural gas (LNG) terminal and re-gassification plant proposed for Gleason Cove, Maine.
The Mayor and Town Council of the Municipality of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada
Cherish the natural wonders of Passamaquoddy Bay.
Base its economy and way of life on the ecologically sensitive Bay of Fundy.
Honour the fisheries, tourism and the natural wonders that make our area special.
Support growth in the economy but not at the expense of the social and environmental underpinnings that make our region what it is.
The Mayor and Town Council of the Municipality of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada
Call upon: all citizens to rally around this common cause in ensuring the powers that be hear our concerns,
Urge: our elected officials both Provincial and Federal to ensure that the way of life we all enjoy is not jeopardized by the construction of an LNG terminal and re-gassification facility in Gleason Cove, Maine,
Further urge: the people of Pleasant Point, Maine, to reconsider their actions to date and make informed and socially meaningful decisions,
Stress: That the Mayor and Town Council of St. Andrews, New Brunswick do not support heavy industrialization which will only impact negatively on our economy, social fabric and environmental uniqueness and say no to the construction of a [sic] LNG terminal and re-gasification plant in Gleason Cove, Maine.
Webmasters note: The above proclamation text is quoted directly from a copy of the original document faxed to us by the St. Andrews town government.