Save Passamaquoddy Bay

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3-Nation Alliance

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                                           — US Senator Susan Collins, 2012 Jun 21

Polar Bear Dip

2005 January 28

Polar Bear Dip at the Sipayik pier© 2005 Old Sow Publishing
The Polar Bear Dip took place at the Sipayik Pier, in Western Passage, along Rt-190.
Deer Island, New Brunswick, can be seen in the background.

Washington County Community College Student Senate sponsors this fund-raising event for the Ronald MacDonald House in Bangor.The dip was held at Sipayik, Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy Reservation.

This was not a Save Passamaquoddy Bay event, but celebrated Passamaquoddy Bay.

Penny Guisinger announces to get ready
Event coordinator, Penny Guisinger, announces for the dippers to get ready. The previous years' coordinator, Tessa Ftorek, sports a sombrero, just behind Penny. This year's event had a "Mexico" theme.
© 2005 Old Sow Publishing
Diving from the Sipayik pier
Gary Moore (center) and Ryan Newell Jr. (right) take what Moore began as a tradition in 2004 — a dive from the pier.
© 2005 Guisinger Photography
Dippers plunge into the 34-degree water
The invigorating "dip" into 34° F water. The Route-190 causeway between Sipayik and Carlow Island, Eastport, in the background is lined with the parked cars of participants and observers.
© 2005 Old Sow Publishing
One of the two large bonfires
Two large bonfires were prepared, to take off the chill after the dip.
© 2005 Old Sow Publishing

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