Save Passamaquoddy Bay

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3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

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FERC eLibrary
Calais LNG Project Company LLC Proposal
Pre-Filing Comment Filings List

2010 January

Docket Number PF08-24

Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Date Posted to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.

Color Key: Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters
Project Opponents
Project Neutral
Unknown, non-public comments

2010 Jan

NOTE: The bold Year Month Date (e.g., 2010 Jan 6) headings below are the dates the filings appeared on the FERC eLibrary Docket, but not necessarily the dates the comments were actually submitted or received by FERC.

To help users find the most recently-posted comments, we display the filings by date of appearance on the Docket, not by date filed or date accessioned. FERC's eLibrary displays comments by date filed, rather than by date posted to the eLibrary Docket; therefore, newly-posted comments in FERC's online eLibrary Docket List may appear in places other than at the end of the list.

2010 Jan 6

Filed Date: 1/6/2010
Accession No: 20100106-3053
Description: Notice of Calais Pipeline Company, LLC's et al application to authorization to site, construct and operate a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) import, storage et al under CP10-31 et al.

Webmaster’s Comments: This is FERC's notice that Calais LNG has filed its formal applications for both the Calais LNG Project and the Calais Pipeline Project. The Formal Filing Docket Numbers are…

  • Calais LNG Project (LNG terminal) — CP10-32 [this links to the FERC Docket list]
  • Calais Pipeline Project (natural gas pipeline) — CP10-31 [this links to the FERC Docket list]

Information: FILE LIST

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