Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Save Passamaquoddy Bay
3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

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"For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy"
                                           — US Senator Susan Collins, 2012 Jun 21

News Release

2010 Aug 12

Save Passamaquoddy Bay Maintains
Calais LNG Fails State Permitting Threshold

The Maine Board of Environmental Protection today granted Calais LNG an additional delay in the permitting process. In response, Save Passamaquoddy Bay researcher Robert Godfrey stated, "We continue to believe that Calais LNG, by its own admission in multiple filings to the State of Maine, has not adequately completed its permit applications and cannot demonstrate financial capacity that is a legal prerequisite for state environmental permitting."

"We cannot imagine that after a world-class investment bank like Goldman Sachs, via its wholly-owned subsidiary GS Power Holdings, has backed out of financing Calais LNG that any other credible investor would consider risking money on such an ill-prepared, ill-sited, and ill-timed project," Godfrey concluded.

Save Passamaquoddy Bay (SPB) is an alliance of citizens from the U.S., the Passamaquoddy Tribe, and Canada, who oppose siting LNG industrial facilities in Passamaquoddy Bay, and who advocate adherence to world-recognized LNG terminal siting best safe practices as published by the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO). SPB advocates creative-economy, tradition-based, and tourism-based economic development for the international Passamaquoddy Bay area.



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