"For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy" |
2012 October 16 Addendum to Save Passamaquoddy Bay's October 15 Press Release, "Bureau of Indian Affairs, Defunct Quoddy Bay LNG Lose Again."As it is related to Save Passamaquoddy Bay's October 15 press release, "Bureau of Indian Affairs, Defunct Quoddy Bay LNG Lose Again," we have made available the Department of Interior's Interior Board of Indiana Appeals Law Judge's written decision that would otherwise not be available in digital form. Here is the USDOI Interior Board of Indian Appeals Law Judge's decision in PDF format, available from the Save Passamaquoddy Bay website: http://www.savepassamaquoddybay.org/documents/bia/IBIA_09-07-A_10-138_2012Oct4.pdf
Robert Godfrey |