Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Save Passamaquoddy Bay
3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

US Flag
Canadian Flag
Passamaquoddy Flag
Scale Baskets for sale
Facebook button

"For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy"
                                           — US Senator Susan Collins, 2012 Jun 21


Add a
Scale Basket Banner to Your Website
Help Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Scale Baskets

Above is a working banner. Give it a try.

(Site navigation links at bottom of page)

Three choices are provided:


To use either banner…

  1. Save the image to your site. We recommend placing it in a directory named "images".;
  2. Copy and insert the HTML code below the following banner into your webpage;
  3. If you place the image file in a location other than a directory named "images" inside the page's directory, then change the code to reflect the actual location. (See HTML examples.)


Small Banner


Text Link Only

1. Large Banner

  1. Save this banner image to your website. If you place the image file in a directory named "images" that's immediately inside the directory of the page displaying the Banner, then the code in Step 2 is all that is needed..
    Scale Baskets To Save Image:
    Mac Users: <ctrl>-click on image.
    Windows Users: right-click on image.
  2. Copy the text in the window below, and Paste it into the HTML where you want it to appear on your webpage. You may need to change the HTML.

    The above HTML looks like this:
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/scalebasket_banner.gif" alt="Scale Baskets" height="147" width="360" border="0"></a>
  3. If your directory structure is different than shown in the above example, you'll need to change the HTML in the above code to reflect the actual structure. See the HTML examples, below.

2. Small Banner

Save this banner image to your website in the "images" directory.

Scale Baskets To Save Image:
Mac Users: <ctrl>-click on image.
Windows Users: right-click on image.

Copy the text in the window below, and Paste it into the HTML where you want it to appear on your webpage. You may need to change the HTML.

The HTML above looks like this:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/scalebasket_banner_sm.gif" alt="Scale Baskets" height="74" width="180" border="0"></a>

If your directory structure is different than shown in the above example, you'll need to change the HTML in the above code to reflect the actual structure. See the HTML examples, below.

3. Text Link Only

Copy the following text and past it into your webpage's HTML where you want it to appear in your webpage.

The HTML above looks like this:

<a href="" target="_blank">Passamaquoddy Scale Baskets</a>

The resulting link should look like the following (although your font settings may be different):

Passamaquoddy Scale Baskets

Try the above link. It works!

HTML Examples

Here are a couple of additional examples of how your website structure might look. The first example allows the provided HTML code above to be used trouble-free. The second example required changing the HTML pathname for the banner image location.

Example 1

Assuming you use an "images" directory within the root directory of your website, and the small banner is to appear on your homepage:

images (a directory within your site's root directory)

No change to the supplied HTML code is requred. The HTML image location is presented in red:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/scalebasket_banner_sm.gif" alt="Holiday Scale Baskets" height="74" width="180" border="0"></a>

Example 2

Assuming you place the both banner images within a subdirectory another level below the root directory, but the banner is to appear on your homepage (index.html), then the site's file structure might look like this:

links_images (this image directory is one level below the root directory)

In this example, with the banner still appearing on the homepage (index.html), a change is required in the HTML code. The difference in code is presented in red:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="another_directory/links_images/scalebasket_banner_sm.gif" alt="Scale Baskets" height="74" width="180" border="0"></a>

Having difficulty getting the banner to work on your website?
I'll try to help. , the webmaster.


Add our banner to your webpage: Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Read about the effort to Fix FERC: FixFERC

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