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![]() "For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy" |
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26 June 2007 |
Webmaster's Comments: Does Quoddy Bay LNG's "good relationship" with the tribe include the permanent Hazard Zones that the LNG terminal would inflict on nearly the entire population of Pleasant Point Reservation?
Webmaster's Comments: According to this article, Quoddy Bay LNG doesn't know if they'll be hiring local workers as promised or not.
15 June 2007 |
RTM STAR Center certified to SIGTTO LNG standards Marine Log, New York, NY
Webmaster's Comments: In spite of FERC ignoring SIGTTO standards, the US gas industry education infrastructure is beginning to require training to SIGTTO standards.
Will Sen. Snowe, Sen. Collins, Rep. Michaud, and Rep. Allen publicly endorse these standards, both as requirements for workers in the industry and for LNG terminal siting? Will Snowe, Collins, Michaud, and Allen also join with New Jersey's Sen. Lautenberg and co-sponsor his Maritime Hazardous Cargo Security Act of 2007?
If you're a Mainer, let your federal delegation know that you want them to support SIGTTO standards in training and in LNG terminal siting, and the Maritime Hazardous Cargo Security Act of 2007. Contact:
MARAD to sign LNG training agreement with maritime academies and unions LNG Law Blog, Washington, DC
Reps. Israel, DeLauro, Bishop announce expanded LNG tanker safety study at Department of Energy [Press release] Congress of the United States
14 June 2007 |
- A review of safety issues related to NorthernStar Natural Gas' application for a land use permit and zoning changes at the Bradwood, Ore., property. Those issues, County Manager Scott Derickson said, include accessibility of the site by emergency vehicles.
- A broader examination of public safety risks associated with the project and the capacity of emergency agencies to handle those risks.
Sempra plans to open its Louisiana Gulf Coast Cameron LNG receiving terminal in the third quarter of 2008. The company has put on hold plans to build its third terminal, in Port Arthur, Texas, because of a lack of LNG supplies, Simoes said. [Bold emphasis added.] (Jun 13)
NJ Senator introduces bill to secure dangerous chemicals and liquefied natural gas transported by ship; Cosponsored by Senators Inouye, Stevens, and Smith
Webmaster's Comments: Apparently, US legislators are generally unaware of the existence of SIGTTO, the international non-profit organization that develops shipping and terminal standards for the gas industries, including LNG. That lack of awareness can be, at least in part, blamed on FERC, since FERC has apparently continued to ignore SIGTTO's 2004 offer of assistance.
This webmaster submitted to the FERC pre-application dockets for the proposed Downeast LNG terminal and the proposed Quoddy Bay LNG terminal numerous citations of SIGTTO standards violations that would occur should either of those terminals (or any LNG terminal) be built in Passamaquoddy Bay.
Maine residents may want to contact Sen. Snowe, Sen. Collins, Rep. Michaud, and Rep. Allen to encourage their support for Sen. Lautenberg's bill, the Maritime Hazardous Cargo Security Act of 2007. At the same time one might encourage those legislators to familiarize themselves with the SIGTTO standards.
This webmaster has twice previously made such a request of Sen. Snowe regarding SIGTTO, but has received no response regarding that request.
Inventories: …inventories are 366 bcf above the 5-year average (2002 2006)….
He singled out for particular scorn FERC Chairman Joseph Kelliher, who has argued that speculators, such as hedge funds, help the market by providing liquidity. "I can't wait to see that guy go," Corby said. [Red and bold emphasis added.] (Jun 12)
Webmaster's Comments: LNG developers, on the other hand, talk about how importing LNG will lower gas prices. Who's telling the truth?
Webmaster's Comments: The "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea" (UNCLOS) is being covered on the Save Passamaquoddy Bay website, since LNG proponents claim that LNG ships transiting to their proposeed terminals would have rights under that treaty. The US is not a party to the treaty, but is again considering ratifying it.
Webmaster's Comments: The op-ed's authors are John D. Negroponte, deputy secretary of state, and Gordon England, deputy secretary of defense. In writing, "joining…would give the nation a seat at the table," it appears clear that the US does not currently have rights under the UN Law of the Sea Convention.
"In particular circumstances, the President may decide that the United States will not comply with an ICJ decision and direct a United States veto of any proposed Security Council enforcement measure," said the US Justice Department. [Red bold emphasis added.] (Jun 12)
Webmaster's Comments: As is evident, International Courts of Justice have no authority unless the affected sovereigns agree to abide by the ICJ's decision. That implies that innocent passage either under UNCLOS or otherwise cannot be assured, even by court decision.
Oil race at top of the world Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL
11 June 2007 |
Webmaster's Comments: And yet, Mustang Engineering has a process Air Vaporization (PDF download) that uses ambient air to warm up LNG.
Webmaster's Comments: The LNG industry, itself through its best practices-arm, SIGTTO advises against siting LNG terminals subjected to the numerous hazardous conditions in Passamaquoddy Bay. Human error is always a possibility.
SIGTTO states, "The recommended site selection process removes as many risks as possible by placing LNG terminals in sheltered locations remote from other port users…where other ships do not pose a (collision) risk and where any gas excape cannot affect local populations."1 [Bold emphasis added.]
SIGTTO lists the following General Requirement for LNG Carriers: "Short approach channels are prefereable to long inshore routes which carry more numerous hazards."2 [Bold emphasis added.]
Despite simulations and pilots' skills, the hazards in the long, winding, passage into Passamaquoddy Bay remain, just waiting for someone to make a mistake. Why take that unnecessary risk? It makes more sense to site LNG terminals in short-approach locations that have few hazards. Offshore fits that scenario.
- "Site Selection and Design for LNG Ports and Jetties," Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd, Wales, UK, 2004, §6.2, p 6.
- Ib., Appendix, p 23.
9 June 2007 |
The bill now moves to the Assembly for a hearing in June or July.
Webmaster's Comments: The majority of LNG currently imported into the US comes from Trinidad & Tobago.
Webmaster's Comments: Russia is proposing an undersea tunnel between Siberia and Alaska, containing rail transport, electricity generated from tidal power plants off Russia's coast, plus oil and natural gas pipelines. The plan would also include participation by the governments of the US and Canada, plus private enterprise.
For additional information, refer to the April 19 Moscow News article cited on this website on May 14.
Will Canada join the rail and nuclear renaissance? Executive Intelligence Review, Leesburg, VA
"Tunnel to Peace?" Russians bring Bering Strait tunnel project to G8 this week [Press release] Executive Intelligence Review, Leesburg, VA
Webmaster's Comments: The "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea" (UNCLOS) is being covered on the Save Passamaquoddy Bay website, since LNG proponents claim that LNG ships transiting to their proposeed terminals would have rights under that treaty. The US is not a party to the treaty, but is again considering ratifying it.Bush sows seeds of America's demise [Opinion] NewsWithViews.com
TopSpecial Reports: Sustainability and the sea: Sovereignty and responsibility Who rules the waves? Ethical Corporation, London, UK
The lesson is simply this: that the international agreements on any aspect of the law of the sea are only as good as the implementation of those agreements by individual states. [Red emphasis added.] (Jun 7)
Time to Ratify the Law of the Sea Foreign Policy in Focus, Silver City, NM
Until the United States ratifies the treaty its rights at sea will lack international recognition.
8 June 2007 |
Webmaster's Comments: Offshore, away from people, using technology tested in the North Sea, and without need for a protected harbor. (Note: The first Excelerate offshore terminal, in the Gulf of Mexico 100+ miles from the Louisiana coast, offloaded its entire LNG cargo during Hurricane Katrina.)
Webmaster's Comments: The "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea" (UNCLOS) is being covered on the Save Passamaquoddy Bay website, since LNG proponents claim that LNG ships transiting to their proposeed terminals would have rights under that treaty. The US is not a party to the treaty, but is again considering ratifying it.
Lost at Sea Wall Street Journal, New York, NY [Subscription Required]
The Law of the Sea Treaty, deep-sixed years ago by the Reagan Administration, resurfaced last month when President Bush issued a statement urging its ratification. Let's hope the Senate sends it back to the bottom of the ocean. [Bold emphasis added.] (Jun 2)
President Bush’s new world order legacy [Editorial] SmallGov Times.com
This time, it can be anticipated that Bush Administration opposition to global taxes will completely collapse. After all, the White House has already endorsed a global tax scheme through the Law of the Sea Treaty. [Bold emphasis added.] (Jun 1)
TopStatement by Admiral Thad Allen, Commandant of the Coast Guard, on the Convention on the Law of the Sea AllAmericanPatriots.com
1 June 2007 |
Webmaster's Comments: The "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea" (UNCLOS) is being covered on the Save Passamaquoddy Bay website, since LNG proponents claim that LNG ships transiting to their proposeed terminals would have rights under that treaty. The US is not a party to the treaty, but is again considering ratifying it.
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