Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Save Passamaquoddy Bay
3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

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FERC eLibrary
Calais LNG Formal Application
Comment Filings List

Docket Number CP10-31 & CP10-32

2010 December

Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Date Posted to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.

Color Key: Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters
Project Opponents
Project Neutral
Unknown, non-public comments

2010 December

Dec 3

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 12/3/2010
Accession No: 20101203-5008
Description: Save Passamaquoddy Bay requests FERC dismiss Calais LNG permits without prejudice, for lack of financial capacity and lack of title, right, or interest, under CP10-32. (Corrected filing)

Information: FILE LIST

Filed Date: 12/3/2010
Accession No: 20101203-3048
Description: Letter requesting Fuel Gas Solutions, LLC to provide w/in 10 days a schedule of Calais LNG's planned activities in securing project financing and appropriate title, right, or interest in the project site under CP10-31 et al.

Summary: FERC is aware that Calais LNG has lost title, right, or interest (TRI) in the land required for the proposed terminal, and has lost financial capacity. FERC demands, within 10 days, that Calais LNG provide a schedule for completing re-establishment of TRI and financial capacity.

Information: FILE LIST

Dec 16

Filed Date: 12/16/2010
Accession No: 20101216-0024
Description: U.S Consulate General Halifax, Canada submits name and address change re the Calais LNG Project under CP10-31.

Information: FILE LIST

Dec 17

Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC
Calais Pipeline Company, LLC
Filed Date: 12/17/2010
Accession No: 20101217-5072
Description: Letter responding to request for a schedule of Calais LNG's planned activities in securing project financing and appropriate title, right, or interest in the project site under CP10-31 et al. under CP10-31, et. al

Summary: Calais LNG finally responds to FERC's Dec 13 deadline. Calais LNG admits lack of title, right, or interest (TRI). The company requests that an attached filing regarding TRI negotiations be kept privileged. (The privileged document is in Docket Accession No. 20101217-5073, following this filing.)

Calais LNG also admits lack of financial capacity, but, asks to remain in FERC permitting.

Information: FILE LIST

Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC
Calais Pipeline Company, LLC

Filed Date: 12/17/2010
Accession No: 20101217-5073
Description: Letter responding to request for a schedule of Calais LNG's planned activities in securing project financing and appropriate title, right, or interest in the project site under CP10-31 et al. under CP10-31, et. al

Summary: This privileged filing supposedly contains recent TRI negotiation communications.

Information: FILE LIST [Privileged; will result in an error]

Dec 21

Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Ronald Rosenfeld]
Filed Date: 12/21/2010
Accession No: 20101221-5054
Description: Calais LNG request for extension of time to respond should be denied in CP10-31, et al.

Information: FILE LIST

Dec 23

Filed By: Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon
Save Passamaquoddy Bay Canada Inc.
Save Passamaquoddy Bay-U.S.

Filed Date: 12/23/2010
Accession No: 20101223-5060
Description: Answer to Pleading/Motion of Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon, et. al. under CP10-31, et al.

Summary: The SPB 3-Nation Alliance objects to Calais LNG remaining in FERC permitting, since Calais LNG has lost title, right, or interest in the required property for the project, has lost financial capacity, has not completed required studies for NEPA permitting, and has not been forthright in providing information to state and federal regulators.

Information: FILE LIST


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