"For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy" |
Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Date Posted to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.
Color Key: | Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters Project Opponents Project Neutral Unknown, non-public comments |
2012 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | |
2011 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2010 | |
2009 | | Dec | |
Feb 6 | Filed By: Conservation Law Foundation Summary: CLF joins Save Passamaquoddy Bay's 2011 Oct 11 and Oct 25 comments to the docket in pointing out Calais LNG's lack of Title, Right, or Interest in the proposed terminal site; lack of financial capacity; absence in State of Maine permitting; and in asking FERC to dismiss Calais LNG from federal permitting. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 15 | Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: Note: One document in this filing is duplicated in Calais LNG's last filing on this date, Accession No: 20120215-5137. Calais LNG also requests a letter of interpretation from the US DOT (PHMSA) regarding Calais LNG's modified source term model, to clairfy acceptance of that model. The filing includes a report describing Calais LNG's vapor-dispersion methodology and results. Weather station data from St. Stephen, New Brunswick, were used as a source of historical weather data. [Webmaster's comment: Wind speed at St. Stephen would likely be lower than wind speed along the river south of Devil's Head, meaning Calais LNG's results would be skewed, giving a safer impression than might actually exist.] LNG tanker-truck loading is included in the study. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: This is a duplicate letter that is contained in the following filing, Accession Number 20120215-5137. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Calais LNG Project Company, LLC Summary: Response to FERC regarding TRI and Financial Capacity, including excuses for failing to obtain financing. CLNG claims to have Chinese, Indian, and two private equity firms interested in investing, and claims to need six months to finalize those arrangements. The applicant also claims to have a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with an LNG supplier, but needs until 2013 January to finalize it. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 17 | Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay Summary: Provided is a history of Calais LNG untruth, obfuscation, and delay in both Maine and FERC proceedings. Save Passamaquoddy asks FERC to dismiss Calais LNG permitting for having no standing. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 24 | Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay Summary: Save Passamaquoddy Bay supplies Energy Information Administration natural gas pipeline history data impeaching Calais LNG Arthur Gelber's claim that it has been proven to be impossible to construct natural gas pipelines to deliver additional natural gas supply to New England. SPB reiterates that Calais LNG has no standing to remain in FERC permitting. Webmaster's comment: FERC initially posted the three comment files as "non-public." >>> As of Monday, Feb 27, the files download properly. Information: FILE LIST |
Feb 27 | Filed By: U.S. CONSULATE GENERAL HALIFAX, CANADA Summary: This is merely an address change. Information: FILE LIST |