Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Save Passamaquoddy Bay
3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

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"For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy"
                                           — US Senator Susan Collins, 2012 Jun 21


FERC eLibrary
Downeast LNG Formal Application
Comment Filings List

Docket Number CP07-52

2013 September

Color Key: Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters
Project Opponents
Project Neutral
Unknown, non-public comments

2013 September

Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Posted Date, rather than by Filed Date to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.

Sep 17

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 9/17/2013
Accession No: 20130917-5022
Description: Save Passamaquoddy Bay comments regarding the public interest under CP07-52, et. al..
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Save Passamaquoddy Bay lists seven ways that Downeast LNG violates the public interest; therefore, FERC must deny their application permits on the scheduled 2013 October 17 permitting decision date.


Sep 18

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 9/18/2013
Accession No: 20130918-5017
Description: Save Passamaquoddy Bay comments of LNG flare's impact on migratory birds under CP07-52 et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Save Passamaquoddy Bay notifies FERC of the 7,500 migrating songbirds killed overnight during the previous weekend by the Canaport LNG natural gas flare. SPB is concerned that FERC and its cooperating agencies have not considered the potential for similar environmental disaster at the proposed Downeast LNG terminal.


Sep 19

Filed Date: 9/19/2013
Accession No: 20130919-3002
Description: Letter requesting Downeast LNG, Inc. to provide additional information re the PHMSA Design Spill Determination for the Downeast LNG Project under CP07-52 et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: FERC, on behalf of the USDOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) once again asks Downeast LNG to submit results for its design spill (vapor dispersion Exclusion Zone) modeling, as required under Title 49, C.F.R., Part 193. The request contains a multiplicity of missing information. This is FERC's second request for this data.

Downeast LNG is looking a lot like Quoddy Bay LNG, who got booted out of FERC permitting for failing to answer FERC's technical questions.


Sep 23

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 9/23/2013
Accession No: 20130923-5093
Description: Exclusion Zones and allision comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under CP07-52., et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Downeast LNG is not complying with USDOT Exclusion Zone regulatory requirements.


Sep 25

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 9/25/2013
Accession No: 20130925-5095
Description: Downeast LNG comments re FERC process at Canada LNG Export Forum, comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under CP07-52., et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Downeast LNG president Dean Girdis disparaged to all of Canada the FERC safety and siting permitting process at the Canada LNG Export Forum, blaming US federal agencies for Downeast LNG's own failings.


Sep 26

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 9/26/2013
Accession No: 20130926-5008
Description: Downeast LNG's permitting intent comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under CP07-52., et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Downeast LNG's bait-and-switch permit application.


Sep 27

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 9/27/2013
Accession No: 20130927-5013
Description: Comments of Save Passamaquoddy Bay re the proposed LNG terminals on the Maine coast in Passamaquoddy Bay under CP07-52 et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: FERC's and the Coast Guard's "Guilt by Silence."


Sep 30

Filed By: Downeast LNG, Inc.
Filed Date: 9/27/2013
Accession No: 20130927-5214
Description: Downeast LNG, Inc. submits its response to the September 19 request under Docket Nos. CP07-52, et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Downeast LNG submits its revised design spill (vapor dispersion) modeling results, claiming that the proposed project now complies with US Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (USDOT PHMSA) exclusion zone safety requirements.


Filed By: Downeast LNG, Inc.
Filed Date: 9/27/2013
Accession No: 20130927-5215
Description: Downeast LNG, Inc. submits its responses to the September 19 request under Docket Nos. CP07-52, et al
Information: FILE LIST [Non-public; Downloading will result in an error file.]


Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 9/30/2013
Accession No: 20130930-5075
Description: Downeast LNG's revised design spill modleing, comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under CP07-52, et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary:Save Passamaquoddy Bay demonstrates that Downeast LNG's revised modeling is fatally flawed, continuing to violate PHMSA exclusion zone safety regulations.
