Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Save Passamaquoddy Bay
3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

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"For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy"
                                           — US Senator Susan Collins, 2012 Jun 21


FERC eLibrary
Downeast LNG Formal Application
Comment Filings List

Docket Number CP07-52

2014 December

Color Key: Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters
Project Opponents
Project Neutral
Unknown, non-public comments

2014 December

Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Posted Date, rather than by Filed Date to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.

Dec 2

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay Canada Inc. [Dr. James Venart]
Filed Date: 12/2/2014
Accession No: 20141202-5022
Description: Comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay Canada Inc. under CP07-52, et. al.
Information: FILE LIST

Webmaster's comment: This Downeast LNG Export Project Scoping comment was filed to the Formal Filing Docket instead of the Pre-Filing Docket (PF14-19) that is handling the Downeast LNG Export Project Scoping.

Summary: Dr. Venart indicates that the Downeast LNG design release modeling, as applied to the proposed export terminal project, has credible confined vapor fire and explosion hazards.


Dec 3

Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Sarah Strickland]
Filed Date: 12/3/2014
Accession No: 20141203-5084
Description: Comment of Sarah Strickland under CP07-52.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: She expresses concern regarding Fire & Unconfined Vapor Explosion; Noise, Air, anb Light Pollution; Hazards to Migrating Birds; and Emergency Response.


Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Paul Strickland]
Filed Date: 12/3/2014
Accession No: 20141203-5089
Description: Comment of Paul Strickland under CP07-52.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: He indicates concern about Downeast LNG impacting life-sustaining Water Resources, and about Eminent Domain.


Dec 8

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 12/8/2014
Accession No: 20141208-5120
Description: Non-innocent passage comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under PF14-19,
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Turkey prohibits LNG transits through its Bosphorus Strait — the same as Canada's prohibition in Head Harbour Passage. Both countries provide innocent passage; however, LNG transits through those passages — engulfing civilians and civilian assets within US Government-defined Hazard Zones — would not be innocent, thus innocent passage does not apply.


Dec 12

Filed By: Dr. James Venart, Save Passamaquoddy Bay Canada Inc.
Filed Date: 12/2/2014
Accession No: 20141202-5022 NOTE: This document is not part of this docket/sub docket.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Dr. Venart points to additional hazards that the proposed Downeast LNG Export Project would present.

Webmaster's comment: This comment is filed on the Docket List under 2014 December 2, but did not appear on the docket until December 12.


Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 12/12/2014
Accession No: 20141212-5139
Description: Copy of request for Interpretation of Regulation 49 CFR Part 193 sent to PHMSA regarding vapor-fence-integrity science, comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under PF14-19.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: SPB's Request to PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration) for Interpretation of Regulation (49 CFR Part 193) regarding vapor-fence-integrity research.
