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![]() "For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy" |
Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Date Posted to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.
Color Key: | Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters Project Opponents Project Neutral Unknown, non-public comments |
2016 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2015 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2014 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2013 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2012 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | |
2011 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2010 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2009 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2008 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2007 | | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
Jul 1 | Filed By: TOWN OF PERRY (sic) Webmaster’s Comments: The three Perry Selectmen took it upon themselves to send a Comment in support of the DEIS, and against enlarging the Comment Period — without a supporting vote from their bosses, the citizens of Perry. The only LNG vote by the Perry electorate resulted in a rejection of LNG. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: MAINE STATE PLANNING OFFICE Summary: Maine SPO Director Mary Freeman pretty much likes the project. Maine Pilotage Commission Administrator Kevin Rousseau finds no reason to dispute LNG vessels can be safely piloted to the terminal. However, the Submerged Lands Program is concerned about the LNG pier’s impact on other users of the waterway. Information: FILE LIST Top |
Jul 2 | Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Art. MacKay] Summary: The comment points out numerous flaws in the DEIS, including the failure to take into account potential Downeast LNG-project ecological impacts on the Canadian side of the waterway. Mr. MacKay points out security issues with the “leaky” border. He also points to DEIS lack of knowledge needed about the Canadian side in order to institute mitigation on that side to compensate for the project’s negative impacts. In addition, Mr. MacKay enumerates a plethora of Canadian regulations that must be applied to the LNG ship and jetty, but have been ignored. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: NOAA Fisheries, Northeast Region Summary: National Marine Fisheries Service will submit complete comments re endangered and threatened species under a separate Comment submission. They claim no activities at the terminal or pier will impact endangered species. They state that ship strikes are the primary cause of mortality to listed species, and the measures described in the DEIS will satisfactorily mitigate that problem within some areas of the waterway; however, no measures have been indicated for other areas of the ship transit route — the Bay of Fundy, Grand Manan Channel, and Head Harbour Passage. They indicate the DEIS is lacking data regarding Atlantic salmon in the affected waterways. Problems also exist regarding winter flounder data. Downeast LNG has failed, so far, to provide required data regarding construction timing to minimize impacts on marine species, marine-construction acoustics data, pipeline horizontal directional drilling plans, and marine resource impact compensation. NMFS also remains concerned about suspended sediments resulting from LNG ship transits. Downeast LNG has not properly attended to impacts on non-commercial fish and planktonic species impacted by LNG vessel ballast water and engine cooling water. NMFS lists mitigation measures that would need to be implemented. Information: FILE LIST Top |
Jul 6 | Filed By: U.S. Department of the Interior Summary: “Considerable substantive information has not been included in the DEIS,” and “we recommend that the Commission prepare a supplement to the DEIS.” Downeast LNG “has never provided any copies of any reports to the BIA [Bureau of Indian Affairs],” even though the BIA is an intervenor in these procedings. The project would subject an undue Hazard burden on the members of Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy Reservation; plus, would negatively impact Tribal cultural resources — Environmental Justice issues. Another Environmental Justice issue is DeLNG’s claim that Tribal members have no aboriginal fishing rights in the waters proposed for the project. Lighting at the facility and pier might negatively impact St. Croix Island International Historic Site. The DEIS does not — but must — analyze need for the project. Alternatives to the project are dismissed without supporting evidence. DEIS inappropriately dismisses the “no action” alternative to the project. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Arthur MacKay] Summary: “Downeast LNG EIS provides insufficient data, analyses, and review for marine mammals and other marine species in the Quoddy Ecosystem.” The writing style is misleading. Data are lacking. False assumptions are made. The nocturnal ecosystem is ignored. Cumulative impacts are insufficiently covered. Impacts on some marine mammals are ignored. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission Summary: RCIP agrees that LNG vessels should have to comply with the US Coast Guard Waterway Suitability Report (WSR). [The WSR requires Downeast LNG to obtain Canada’s cooperation — in essence, Canada’s approval.] RCIP continues to have serious concerns regarding safety, since the project would put portions of the park, its visitors, staff, and assets within Federal Hazard Zones. Impacts from real or perceived safety issues would likely reduce visitors to the park, as well as to the surrounding area. Air quality is also a concern, and the DEIS should have contained a cumulative air impact analysis. The DEIS statement that another energy generating facility in the area is questioned as being unexplained. The park is especially concerned about impacts to their floating pier from LNG ships holding in Friar Roads. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay [Robert Godfrey] Summary: Comparison of histories of Canaport LNG and Downeast LNG demonstrate that it was Downeast LNG’s late entry into the process (roughly six years later) that has put them so far behind Canaport. The FERC permitting process had nothing to do with Canaport’s completion so far ahead of Downeast LNG. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission Summary: This is a duplicate of Accession No: 20090706-5012. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Atlantic Salmon Federation Summary: “[W]e see no acknowledgement of our intervention nor any evidence that an attempt has been made to evaluate whether these specific concerns about the proposed project will have significant impacts upon Atlantic salmon. There is no evidence in the document that potential impacts of the project upon salmon from rivers on the Canadian side of the border have been evaluated.” “We are also troubled by the logic that pervades the document that suggests because there are few salmon in the area, the project can only impact a small number of fish, and thus will have small impacts.” Information: FILE LIST Filed By: City of Eastport, Maine Summary: Cumulative impacts on Western Passage vessel traffic are insufficiently addressed. Emergency and security resources and social infrastructure are inadequately addressed. The City takes exception to some DEIS conclusions regarding the projects impacts on the economy, citizens, visitors, and resources, and believes the DEIS underestimates safety and security requirements when population is highest in the city, such as during the 4th of July period — when Eastport reaches approximately 15,000 people. Eastport recommends an independent pilot and tug operator review regarding the suitability of the waterway — since nearly all project-related ad hoc safety and response meetings, and the applicant’s Waterway Suitability Assessment, relied significantly on representatives of local Pilot groups who have a financial conflict of interest in the proposed project, and since appropriate data were not available for use by the project’s transit simulations. The DEIS ignores Eastport’s significance as a nationally-ranked port within the project’s Federal Hazard Zones, and the population increase (and concomitant infrastructure and economic burden) that would result from the project. The DEIS does not address the cumulative impact on local tidal power projects in or near the LNG transit route. The City of Eastport is concerned the DEIS considered insufficient data, analyses, and thorough assessment to support its conclusions. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: US Environmental Protection Agency — Region 1 Summary: “[W]e note our disappointment that information relevant to the characterization of environmental impacts [that we supplied] is not included.” “[W]e believe that … information should have been included in the DEIS and not made available for the first time in the FEIS.” We have rated the DEIS "EC-2" (Environmental Concerns-Insufficient Information) in accordance with EPA's national rating system, a description of which is enclosed. “The DEIS notes FERC's request for information from Downeast regarding total emissions from LNG vessel and support vessels traveling between the pilot station and the import terminal berth. We believe this information should have been provided in the DEIS and was specifically requested in our May 3, 2006 scoping comments.”. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Conservation Law Foundation Summary: CLF believes LNG terminal siting must be “proactive, regional, and strategic,” and “must first answer the question of whether the need for any further LNG supply is necessary for the region.” If not, then it violates Section 3(a) of the Natural Gas Act. CLF refers to FERC Chairman Wellinghoff’s previous statement that regional need assessment is needed prior to permitting any more LNG terminals. They also refer to former FERC Chairman Pat Wood’s statement that only one or two projects at that time would be needed to supply the New England region. Since then, three terminals have been approved and/or constructed (Northeast Gateway, Canaport LNG, and Neptune LNG). Information: FILE LIST Filed By: St. Croix International Waterway Commission Summary: FERC recognized Horizontal Directional Drilling to be an issue but does not adequately address it in the DEIS. The DEIS does not address an alternate route that was previously requested. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Bill Robertson, Huntsman Marine Science Centre] Description: Comments of WD (Bill) Robertson under CP07-52, et al. Summary: There is no evidence in the DIES the applicant or FERC consulted with Huntsman to identify the scope and scale of the Huntsman operations, impacts of the project on Huntsman, or mitigation measures related to impacts on Huntsman. Since the Scoping process began, Huntsman is planning on a $8 million expansion to make the facility a four-season tourist attraction. Huntsman “houses the one of most complete collections of reference specimens of the North Atlantic Ocean ecosystem. The collection is used by taxonomists all over the world, including for an international initiative known as the Barcode of Life Initiative (CBOL).” It would be negatively impacted by Downeast LNG. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Province of New Brunswick Summary: New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham reminds FERC that FERC and the US Government have no jurisdiction over New Brunswick/Canadian waters, and that the impacts and issues addressed in the DEIS that fall on New Brunswick are within the jurisdiction of New Brunswick and Canada, alone. Included is a report from numerous Provincial departments. The report reiterates the US Coast Guard Waterway Suitability Report requirement that Downeast LNG project cannot proceed without Canadian approval, and that “the Canadian government has issued an unequivocal ban on the transit of LNG vessels through the Head Harbour Passage.” The report “concludes that LNG transits would present substantial and unmanageable risks and losses to the Province, its citizens, economy, and environment,” and that the DEIS is inadequate. The Province demonstrates a plethora of negative impacts in numerous categories from the DeLNG project, and enumerate a multitude of absences or deficiencies in the DEIS. In addition, they point to regulatory inconsistencies between FERC requirements and Canadian standards as they would impact on New Brunswick people and assets, violating Canadian safety standards. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Province of New Brunswick Summary: CEII (Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) — no public access to this filing. Information: FILE LIST [will result in a file indicating an error.] Filed By: Sierra Club of Canada - Atlantic Chapter Summary: “A ‘threat of serious or irreversible harm’ would be posed [to North Atlantic right whales] by the Downeast project.” “Tolerance of risk of impacts should be lower for threats to wildlife at risk for projects that cannot demonstrate fulfilling a significant need than for projects that can.” “We recommend that FERC and Downeast seriously consider engaging Taggart and his team to conduct a full risk analysis addressing vessel encounters with right whales and to assess the soundness of Downeast's selection of Grand Manan Channel as a safer tanker route. The lack of such an analysis is a serious deficiency in the Downeast DEIS.” Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon Summary: Many, many insufficiencies are enumerated in the DEIS. The DEIS is so flawed, the process must start over from the beginning. Information: FILE LIST Top |
Jul 7 | Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Jeanne Guisinger] Summary: Perry Town Selectmen’s previously-filed Comment overstepped the Selectems’s authority. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon Summary: This is a duplicate of SPB’s filing on July 6. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon Summary:This Filing consists of 20 Attachments of Testimony, Comments, and Transcripts to SPB’s filing that appeared on the Docket on July 6:
Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon Summary:This Filing consists of 20 Attachments of Testimony, Comments, and Transcripts to SPB’s filing that appeared on the Docket on July 6:
Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon Summary:This Filing consists of 25 Attachments of Testimony, Comments, and Transcripts to SPB’s filing that appeared on the Docket on July 6:
Information: FILE LIST Top |
Jul 10 | Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Mike Footer] Summary: Mr. Footer doesn’t agree with SPB’s request to expand the Comment Period, claiming it is an unreasonable attempt to waste time. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District Summary: The DEIS contains numerous shortcomings, including: “[I]t appears to only note the applicant's stated purpose without conveying FERC's position.” “The Corps encourages that alternatives be analyzed and dismissed in accordance with the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines, not with the terms ‘reasonable’ or ‘unreasonable.’” Reasonable alternatives, including Canaport, were inappropriately dismissed. The DEIS inappropriately used DeLNG’s objectives — rather than the actual purpose — as the standard. Questions are left unanswered. The impacts from expanding Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline (M&NE) need to be taken into account. Cumulative impacts were insufficiently covered. All M&NE permits should be obtained before allowing construction. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Downeast Pipeline, LLC Summary: DeLNG provides to FERC information required by the end of the DEIS Comment Period, including: M&NE Pipeline expansion information; however, capacity is not addressed. Ground motion analyses. Horizontal Directional Drilling plans; however, it is not final, and cannot be completed until Maine BEP permitting is completed. Construction timing cannot be completed until Maine BEP permitting. DeLNG is still revising air emissions calculations for CO2, CH4, and N2O. DeLNG claims it was impossible for DeLNG to complete cumulative air impact analysis in the timeframe requested, requiring an additional 2–3 months, or more. The requirement to demonstrate the vapor dispersion exclusion zone remains within areas of legal control by DeLNG is being withheld from the public as “privileged and confidential” business and design information. Webmaster’s Comments: It is hypocritical that there was such a hue and cry by Downeast LNG (Jun 18 DeLNG filing) and its supporters against Save Passamaquoddy Bay’s request for an expanded Comment Period, when Downeast LNG, itself, then proceeded to unilaterally violate FERC’s deadline — by over a year. That is how long State of Maine permitting would take once it started. Even if ignoring the State permitting, Downeast LNG instructed FERC that it will be taking 2–3 additional months, or more, to complete the required cumulative air impact analysis that was due on Jul 6. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: Downeast Pipeline, LLC Summary: [Privileged, not released to the public]. Information: FILE LIST [Downloading will result in a file indicating a error occurred.] Top |
Jul 14 | Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Gerald Morrison] Summary: Mr. Morrison includes pages from the Washington County Council of Governments’ Perry and Pembroke Survey, in an attempt to refute July 7 comments by Jeanne Guisinger. Information: FILE LIST Filed By: TOWN OF ST. ANDREWS Summary: St. Andrews substantiates many of the financial costs to the town if Downeast LNG were to construct — a $200,000 annual increase for a Hazardous Material Response Team; $700,000 for an additional water reservoir for fire protection; $500,000 additional annually for fire, police, and emergency services; plus, $millions in equipment requirements. There would be a drop in property values and associated loss in property tax revenue. The town’s multi-million dollar tourism-based economy would suffer. There would be a diminshed desire by professional services to locate in the town. The area standard of living would decline. Information: FILE LIST Top |
Jul 15 | Filed By: Town of Perry [Originally appearing to be submitted ANONYMOUSLY. See Summary, below.] Summary: The original FERC Docket file omitted the signature page that had been included with the filing. After questioning, FERC corrected the omission; however, the Selectmen’s signatures still do not make the filing a legitimate representation of the Town of Perry, since that would require a town vote Information: FILE LIST |
Filed By: Embassy of Canada Summary: Ambassador Wilson writes to FERC Chairman Wellinghoff…
Information: FILE LIST [This filing has been removed by FERC, and replaced by 20090707-4003, below.] Webmaster’s Comments: To read the original posting, download the PDF file — 20090715-0157(22096282).pdf — (from the Save Passamaquoddy Bay webserver). Top |
Jul 17 | Filed By: CANADA (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) Webmaster’s Comments: FERC apparently doesn’t want the public or Government of Canada to read the memo minimizing Canada’s letter that was attached to the original Docket posting, 20090715-0157 above. Download the original PDF posting to the Docket (from the Save Passamaquoddy Bay webserver). Information: FILE LIST Top |
Jul 21 | Filed By: City of Eastport, Maine Webmaster’s Comments: The Eastport City Council, at a 2009 July 20 special Workshop on the 2009 July 6 Comments on the DeLNG DEIS issue, voted to withdraw the Comments, since the Comments had been submitted by the Council Chairman without conferring with, or agreement from, the City Council. Withdrawal does not diminish the validity of those July 6 Comments. Information: FILE LIST Top |
Jul 27 | Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay Webmaster’s Comments: Downeast LNG abused the FERC Comment Deadline, and anticipates not providing answers to FERC information requests that were due on 2009 July 6 for around another year. Therefore — like the action FERC took when Quoddy Bay LNG did not answer FERC’s questions for a year — FERC should dismiss Downeast LNG from the permitting process. Otherwise, FERC should craft another DEIS that includes the FERC-required information that Downeast LNG failed to supply by the Deadline; accordingly, FERC should reschedule the Final DEIS and the Commission’s permitting decision. Information: FILE LIST Top |