Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Save Passamaquoddy Bay
3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

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"For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy"
                                           — US Senator Susan Collins, 2012 Jun 21


FERC eLibrary
Downeast LNG Formal Application
Comment Filings List

Docket Number CP07-52

2016 June

Color Key: Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters
Project Opponents
Project Neutral
Unknown, non-public comments

2016 June

Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Posted Date, rather than by Filed Date to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.

Jun 2

Filed By: Downeast Liquefaction, LLC Downeast LNG, Inc. Downeast Pipeline, LLC
Filed Date: 6/2/2016
Accession No: 20160602-5373
Description: Downeast Liquefaction, LLC, et. al. submits Supplemental Information under PF14-19, et. al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: DeLNG's Rob Wyatt requests yet another — the thirdpermitting abeyance, lasting until 2016 September 30th. When this third abeyance finally expires, DeLNG will have been in permitting abeyance for 11 months.

In this filing, Downeast LNG pretends to be making progress with negotiations for a sale of the project, and claiming it will submit a revised Resource Report 5 (Socioeconomics) on or before June 6. If DeLNG actually makes such a submission, then the project is not actually in abeyance, so why ask for one? Perhaps it is because refiling Resource Report 5 will cost them nearly nothing to prepare, and they want to make it appear to FERC and the public that Downeast LNG is actually alive and well.

In all probability, DeLNG's stockholders are still frantically hoping to find some deep pockets and shallow minds to waste even more money on this boondoggle, and hope that this latest delay tactic fantasy will somehow come true.


Jun 7

Filed By: Downeast Liquefaction, LLC Downeast LNG, Inc. Downeast Pipeline, LLC
Filed Date: 6/7/2016
Accession No: 20160607-5113
Description: Downeast Liquefaction, LLC, et. al. submits Updated RR-5 Socioeconomics baseline data for Resource Report 5 under PF14-19, et. al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: DeLNG totally omits any economic impacts of the project on neighboring communities in New Brunswick, Canada.


Jun 8

Filed By: Individual No Affiliation [Brian William Flynn]
Filed Date: 6/8/2016
Accession No: 20160608-5017
Description: Supplemental Information of Brian William Flynn under CP07-52, et. al..
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Brian Flynn points out to FERC that DeLNG's Revised Resource Report 5 (Socioeconomics) fails to address impacts on Canadian communities and is incomplete.


Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 6/8/2016
Accession No: 20160608-5090
Description: Socioeconomic Impact and Environmental Justice comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under PF14-19, et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Downeast LNG has failed to include Passamaquoddy Tribal and Canadian communities in its Revised Resource Report 5 (Socioeconomics), thus failing to provide adequate Resource Report requirements, while simultaneously violating Environmental Justice requirements. FERC panders to Downeast LNG, and is guilty of intentionally omitting from its published Downeast LNG EIS socioeconomic data provided by Save Passamaquoddy Bay via The Whole Bay Study; thus, FERC is complicit in Environmental Justice violations.


Jun 13

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 6/13/2016
Accession No: 20160613-5059
Description: Motion to Dismiss for Cause of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under PF14-19, et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Downeast LNG's serial permitting abeyance requests — intended to last nearly an entire year — are a veiled attempt to use the FERC permitting process to assist in selling the project to another entity — an activity contrary to FERC's Congressional mandate.

FERC has no business being involved in brokering real estate or businesses. Save Passamaquoddy Bay petitions FERC to dismiss long-suffering Downeast LNG from permitting.


Jun 24

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 6/24/2016
Accession No: 20160624-5174
Description: Government of Canada reconfirms its prohibition against LNG ship transits into, out of, and through Passamaquoddy Bay, comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under PF14-19, et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Downeast LNG has no probability of being able to ship or receive LNG — Canada is ensuring that, as it has done since 2007. Competent company officers would have moved the project out of Passamaquoddy Bay, alleviating the insurmountable Canada LNG ship prohibition and Passamaquoddy Tribe refusal to approve shared use of the waterway.

Incompetent management, impractical circumstances, impossible project.
