Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Save Passamaquoddy Bay
3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

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"For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy"
                                           — US Senator Susan Collins, 2012 Jun 21


FERC eLibrary
Downeast LNG Formal Application
Comment Filings List

Docket Number CP07-52

2014 April

Color Key: Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters
Project Opponents
Project Neutral
Unknown, non-public comments

2014 April

Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Posted Date, rather than by Filed Date to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.

Apr 7

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 4/7/2014
Accession No: 20140407-5278
Description: Addendum to Williams Northwest Pipeline facility incident comment Accession No. 20140331-5430, comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under CP07-52-000, et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: SPB corrects initial reports that incorrectly indicated an LNG tank explosion occurred in the incident; another part of the Williams Northwest Pipeline peakshaving facility exploded, projecting 250-pound shrapnel as far as 300 yards, puncturing one of two LNG storage tanks, and causing an LNG pipe to release LNG for well over 24 hours. One 250-pound projectile damaged railroad tracks outside the facility property.

This illustrates a serious flaw in FERC and US DOT PHMSA permitting regulations regarding design spill modeling, consequences from facility explosions, and public safety outside the LNG facility.

Save Passamaquoddy Bay urges FERC to delay further Downeast LNG permit processing until the regulatory flaws are properly addressed.


Apr 9

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 4/9/2014
Accession No: 20140409-5214
Description: Northwest Pipeline peakshaving incident and LNG storage tank BLEVE potential, comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under CP07-52., et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: The 2014 Mar 31 explosion at the Williams Northwest Pipeline peakshaving facility in Plymouth, Washington, demonstrates that a similar event at the Downeast LNG terminal could result in a BLEVE (boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion), with catastrophic consequences outside the facility. SPB urges FERC to reevaluate Downeast LNG's Exclusion Zones that may be too small.


Apr 14

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 4/14/2014
Accession No: 20140414-5170
Description: Abuse of classified documents, comment of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under CP07-52, et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: FERC facilitates applicant abuse of Non-Public classification of documents filed to the docket.


Apr 23

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 4/23/2014
Accession No: 20140423-5017
Description: Save Passamaquoddy Bay has petitioned PHMSA to rescind approval of Downeast LNG design spill model results for cause, comment under CP07-52, et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: SPB alerts FERC that it has petitioned PHMSA to rescind its approval of Downeast LNG's design release model for cause. PHMSA's approval is critically flawed, lacking scientifically-established and regulatory foundation.


Filed By: Downeast LNG, Inc., Downeast Pipeline, LLC
Filed Date: 4/23/2014
Accession No: 20140423-5180
Description: Supplemental Information of Downeast LNG, Inc. and Downeast Pipeline, LLC, under CP07-52. et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Downeast LNG responds to questions 6 (pro forma pipeline cost estimates and pipeline transportation rates), 7 (total capital cost of facilities), and 8 (pipeline cost estimates and assets consistent with FERC's accounting requirements) of FERC's 2014 Feb 6 data request.


Apr 25

Filed By: Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Filed Date: 4/25/2014
Accession No: 20140425-5291
Description: Save Passamaquoddy Bay provides its 2014 April 25 comment to PHMSA regarding vapor fences and explosions, comment under CP07-52, et al.
Information: FILE LIST

Summary: Save Passamaquoddy Bay has submitted a comment to PHMSA: Downeast LNG's proposed vapor fences along the marine trestle would establish potential confined vapor explosion. Without vapor fences on the trestle, vapor would violate Exclusion Zone regulations. Thus, an insoluble Catch 22 exists. Vapor fences have no critical scientific analyses as to their efficacy; thus PHMSA should withdraw its approval of Downeast LNG's design release modeling results.
