Save Passamaquoddy Bay

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3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

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                                           — US Senator Susan Collins, 2012 Jun 21


FERC eLibrary
Downeast LNG Formal Application
Comment Filings List

Docket Number CP07-52

2009 October

Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Date Posted to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.

Color Key: Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters
Project Opponents
Project Neutral
Unknown, non-public comments

2009 Oct

Oct 6

Filed By: Downeast LNG, Inc.
Filed Date: 10/6/2009
Accession No: 20091006-5086
Description: Response of Downeast LNG, Inc. to FERC's Data Request-Part 1 of 2 under CP07-52, et. al.

Information: FILE LIST

Summary: This response was originally due by July 6, and remains incomplete. FERC gave DeLNG another deadline, Oct 4DeLNG has still not fulfilled FERC’s second deadline.

DeLNG opposed Save Passamaquoddy Bay’s request for a 90-day extension to the Draft EIS comment period that ended on July 6 — even though DeLNG knew it, itself, could not meet that deadline.

So far, DeLNG has delayed the final EIS release by 92 days. They indicate in the current filing they expect to have more of the information to FERC by 2009 October 23 — a DeLNG delay of 109 days. DeLNG will have delayed the process even longer than requested by Save Passamaquoddy Bay.

This reflects serious inequity in the FERC process: The public’s interests come secondary to the applicant’s interests.

Data supplied in the current filing include:

  1. Complete a whale strike avoidance plan and LNG ship route. [NOTE: Downeast LNG does not provide complete answers to this FERC request.]
    • LNG ships would likely not be using Grand Manan Channel, but would be using the designated Bay of Fundy shipping lane. (This means they would sail past the right whale protected area.) This is contrary to the transit route they previously filed with FERC;
    • DeLNG is currently focusing on LNG supply from eastern Atlantic nations (Nigeria?).
  2. Provide sampling protocols related to Atlantic salmon streams crossed by the project. [NOTE: It is unclear if the response to FERC fulfills the request.]
  3. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) information. [NOTE: This information will not be completed until after DeLNG has re-entered Maine Environmental Permitting.]
  4. Provide letters evidencing compensation coordination with area fishermen associations. Explain if both US and Canadian fisheries compensation plans have been developed.
    • DeLNG has never met with Fundy North Fishermen's Association;
    • DeLNG has never met with Campobello Fishermen's Association.
  5. A copy of the lobstering draft report DeLNG contracted from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.
  6. Residential Site-specific Plans.
  7. Still no information regarding NOAA & Maine Department of Marine Resources.
  8. Still no information on DeLNG Cumulative Air Impacts .
  9. EPA requirements related to deisel exhaust from construction equipment.
  10. EPA Natural Gas Star program information.
  11. LNG Vapor Dispersion and Flammability — DeLNG has still not done the calculations.
  12. Vapor Dispersion Modeling — DeLNG has still not done the modelling.


Oct 7

Filed By: Downeast LNG, Inc.
Downeast LNG, Inc.
Filed Date: 10/6/2009
Accession No: 20091007-5011
Description: Downeast LNG, Inc. Data Request-Part 2 of 2 under CP07-52, et al. (deemed filed Oct. 6 due to eFiling problem)

Information: FILE LIST


  • Aerial maps of the pipeline route through property owners’ land;
  • Pipeline seasonal construction timing restrictions related to impacts on marine & aquatic species & habitat;
  • Air quality impact information from the three local LNG proposals.


Oct 30

Filed By: Downeast LNG, Inc.
Downeast LNG, Inc.
Filing Type: Deficiency Letter/Data Response
Filed Date: 10/29/2009
Accession No: 20091029-5075
Description: Downeast LNG, Inc. Response to Data Request No. 12 of FERC's Staff EIR of September 14, 2009 under CP07-52.

Information: FILE LIST

Summary:Calculations of the Thermal Hazard around the proposed LNG terminal — data that was due 2009 July 6. Even this filing does not contain all of the Thermal Hazard data requested by FERC.

As of this filing, DOWNEAST LNG IS NOW 115 DAYS LATE providing information FERC requested by the 2009 July 6 Draft EIS Comment deadline. DeLNG knew it could not meet FERC's July 6 deadline, but objected to Save Passamaquoddy Bay's request for a 90-day deadline extension. DeLNG has already delayed the process by more time than requested by Save Passamaquoddy Bay, and DeLNG still has not provided all of the data requested by FERC.

Filed By: Downeast LNG, Inc.
Downeast LNG, Inc.
Filing Type: Deficiency Letter/Data Response
Filed Date: 10/29/2009
Accession No: 20091029-5076
Description: Downeast LNG, Inc. Response to Data Request No. 12 of FERC's Staff EIR of September 14, 2009 under CP07-52.

Information: FILE LIST [Will result in a file containing an Error message.]

Summary: Privileged and Confidential — not available to the public. This filing consists of Appendix D to the rest of the filing (see filing immediately above this one), containing data tables for "LNG Spill Source Term Calculation."


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